Wrap-up of the 2014 Gala

Wrap-up of the 2014 Gala

We are so pleased at the success of the 2nd Annual Pens to Lens Gala! Thank you to everyone who contributed to the films and posters, thank you to our hosts Joe Barlow and Charlie Hester, thank you to the Champaign Park District and the Virginia Theatre, and most of all, thank you to all of the kids who shared their wonderful stories with us.

This year’s films and posters are now online! Click here to take a look.

And just a reminder that we do have a limited number of DVDs available for purchase. They are $10 each plus $3 shipping. Click the “Buy Now” button below to purchase yours! (Teachers! If you would like a free copy for your classroom, please contact us at info@penstolens.com.)

Pens to Lens - Aug 11, 2014 | Awards and Screenings, Festival