Content Guide 2015
The Pens to Lens program covers a wide range of ages, and some content that’s fine for the older viewers may be inappropriate for the younger viewers. The following scripts were written by older students and contain brief moments of intensity, violence, or language that some parents may not be comfortable showing to their young children.
- Nightmare on Walnut Street: Contains a mildly intense sequence with a ghost which may be disturbing to some kids.
- Sun Black and the Cannibal Dwarf: As the title suggests, the dwarf is seen eating cartoonish props which appear to be human (or dwarf) remains.
- Heaven Forbid: Scene implying suicide.
- Artificial Intelligence: The titular robot traps and gasses a group of people (no on-screen deaths).
- Influence and Pressure: A sympathetic robot cuts some wires and kills himself.
Pens to Lens - Aug 6, 2015 | Uncategorized